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KCU / CCPL Adventure Begins @ Your Library - Australia

KCU / CCPL summer reading 2024 - Australia

Languages by Region

Oceania is the most linguistically diverse continent. Papua New Guinea alone is the most linguistically diverse place on the planet, boasting over 800 recognized languages amongst a population of 10.5 million people, roughly the population of Ohio or North Carolina.

Watch the video below for a quick timeline showing the discovery and changes to language in Oceania:

When we think of Australia, I believe many of us instantly imagine a particular accent, probably being spoken by a bloke like this local hero the video below. Enjoy this hilarious video that breaks down some fundamentals of the broader Australian accent!


Now, let's take a closer look at some of Australia's native, aboriginal languages:

Papua New Guinea, in Melanesia, is the most linguistically diverse region in the world. Papua New Guinea alone has over 800 recognized languages, as we have mentioned elsewhere in this guide. Curious as to how and why? Learn below!

Micronesia, despite being a separate geographical region from Australasia, still trace their language heritage through the Australasian language family. Watch this short video below to learn more.

Learn more about many of the Polynesian languages below!