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Kentucky Christian University's Young Library Virtual Beach Vacation

Spend a few days reading, watching movies and taking virtual tours in Florida

Day 4 - Universal Studios

It is Universal Studios Day!  The big question is how many virtual roller coaster rides can you take before you get sick!.....Maybe not, but there are many rides and areas to visit including Harry Potter World, Islands of Adventure, and Volcano Bay.  Click on Universal's logo below and find a great page to locate rides, walks, and food throughout the park!  Let us know on our Social media pages which ride is your favorite!


Let Yourself Woah!



Harry Potter Continues

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Have you ever finished a book and wondered what happened to the characters?  Or started a story and never want it to end but at the same time can't wait to get to the end?  Were you happy for Harry Potter at the end of the books/movies, but sad that there would not be any more books?  After a day in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, you are probably asking yourself those questions again.  G. Normal Lippert was a huge fan and wrote a series using James Potter, Harry's son, as the main character.  This is called Fan Fiction, writing that is based on characters from other works.  All 5 of these titles are available for free -in PDF format so they are easy to download to anything.  Click on the book cover for books 1-3 and it will allow you to download the book in the format that you would prefer.  All of the titles can be downloaded from the Facebook page James Potter Series.  See that link below.  What do you think of Fan Fiction?  Let us know on our Social Media sites!




At the end of the day, don't forget to drink some homemade Butterbeer!  Here is a recipe from tbsp.!  Just click on the picture for the directions.

