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KCU / CCPL present Adventure Begins @ Your Library - North America

KCU/CCPL summer reading - North America

Welcome to

Cacahuate, amendments by Joelf, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Welcome to North America!  Since we live on this continent it is probably the one that we are most familiar with.  However, it is easy to think that the United States makes up the entire continent.  In reality, North America consists of Greenland, Canada, the United States of America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America.  Central America is made up of 7 countries - Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. The Caribbean consists of 13 countries and many territories that belong to other nations.  The World Atlas web site has a wonderful page on this area. 

With all of these countries, North America becomes a continent of great diversity and languages.  You can expect English, Spanish, and French, but did you know that some countries also speak Dutch, Mayan, Haitian Creole, and Greenlandic which is based on the language of the Eskimos? These are just a few of the languages!

North American has a diversity of climate from the cold areas of Greenland and Canada to the tropical areas in Central America.  This also means that there will be a diversity of foods, clothing, celebrations, and crafts.  This guide will help you get started exploring this continent, but do not feel limited to our suggestions.  There is so much to learn here!  Let's get started!