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Resources for Copyright: Things To Think About

A list of resources used to create the presentation "Copyright: Things To Think About"




We are not copyright experts or copyright lawyers.  We are librarians which means that we are constantly looking at copyright situations and trying to evaluate how to fairly approach copyright instances with respect to all parties involved – students, faculty/staff, authors, publishers, and vendors.



Copyright Guides for Librarians

Within this guide you will find resources that were used to create this presentation.  This is not an exhaustive list.  We encourage you to consult with your campus librarians and administration when it comes to copyright issues.  As librarians, we defer to our professional organization, The American Library Association, for best practices and guidelines.  


The American Library Association also emphasizes that these are merely guidelines with their statement at the top of every page of their guide:

"Please note that ALA cannot give legal advice. If you need legal advice, you should contact an intellectual property attorney."

We encourage you to consult an attorney if you have any questions or concerns about copyright.


Librarian Copyright Resources


Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries Association of Research Libraries
Copyright for Libraries – ALA Resources


Power Point Presentation

Our power point slides for this presentation are available here.  

Copyright: Things To Think About © 2021 by Carrie Beth Lowe and Naulayne Enders is licensed under CC BY 4.0