June - the official start of summer! The days get longer, the nights get shorter, the weather gets warmer, and we are all dreaming of trips to warm, sandy beaches with sapphire seas. With summer comes the urge to travel, explore, have fun, and try something new to eat. Some of us like to indulge in books set in far-away places as we imagine ourselves in the romantic cities of faraway countries, or undertaking some exotic journey.
This guide will take you across the equatorial belt and fulfill all these summer daydreams! Did you know the equator - the imaginary line dividing the the earth into top and bottom halves, passes through 3 continents and only 11 countries! Furthermore, equatorial days are actually shorter than our summer days here in the Northern equator, but the length of each day and night is almost exactly 12 hours each (SCIENCE!!!). However, there is very little fluctuation in temperature, so even though there are rainy and dry seasons which vary country by country, the weather is very consistent and very sunny, so pack your shorts and sandals!
Whatever your ideal summer entails, we hope that you enjoy the virtual vacation and that it provides the enchanting escape you've been craving. We will explore six locations either on or within a few (geographical) degrees of the center of the earth. Additionally, we appreciate your feedback. Please contact us on Facebook or Twitter and let us know how your vacation is going. Now, let's get started!