KCU OER Textbook Adoption Form (Spring 2025) – Please fill out this form if you are adopting/using an OER textbook for any of your courses. This information will be shared with Daniel White so that he can track which courses are using OER materials. It will also be shared with the Affordable Learning Kentucky task force. The collected data will be processed through a student cost-savings data generator created by the Open Education Network. Results will be shared with Deans of your department and with the Academic Cabinet. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Naulayne Enders at nenders@kcu.edu or 606-474-3276.
This guide was developed using backwards design. Start with your course objectives and then use that to find resources that best meet those objectives. While you can use this tool to locate resources by yourself, I highly recommend that you contact us. Working with you can help make the process easier for you and help us to identify better resources for you to use.
KCU OER Textbook Discovery Worksheet
Locating OER Textbooks can be overwhelming. This Worksheet was created by Kelly Smith at Eastern Kentucky University to help give you guidance in where to look for OER materials for your classes.
Click on the link to print this document or open it on your computer. Feel free to contact us in the library if you need additional assistance. We are happy to help.