"ZoteroBib" is a new citation tool available on the Young Library web page. There are several citation generators available under our Research tab. Any citation generating tool can be used at KCU. However, we recommend ZoteroBib as the preferred generator. Here are some reasons to use this tool:
Follow the steps in this tutorial to create a retrievable reference list for your assignments.
The library staff is always willing to help you learn to use new tools that can be helpful in completing your assignments. If you have any questions, please contact us or stop by the library!
"The purpose of a citation is usually to provide support or evidence for what you are saying; it tells the reader where this support or evidence can be found, and it typically does this by providing a reference to a bibliography, a list of detailed bibliographic information provided at the end of your document." ~ Robert Dale
Dale, R. (2002). Writing Notes: Citations. Web.science.mq.edu.au. Retrieved 23 March 2017, from