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Kentucky Christian University's Young Library Policies

An easy quick reference to library policies that are important to our users.

Interlibrary Loan Renewals Policy






Inter-Library Loan Renewals Policy

The length of time that an Interlibrary loan item may be checked out is determined by the loaning library.  A general guideline is that a school will allow you to keep an item from 4 to 6 weeks.  Many specify that no renewals will be allowed.


In order to maintain a positive lending and borrowing environment with other libraries, KCU's Interlibrary Loan renewal policy states:

"Renewals are granted only in exceptional cases.  If special circumstances make requests for a renewal necessary, then the borrower should notify Interlibrary Loan Personnel at least four days before the item is due."


Renewal requests that occur with less than 4 days from the due date require that the item be returned and a new request be submitted by the borrower.