Gifts and Donations Policy
Young Library welcomes all gifts and donations to support our mission and collection development. All donations are handled in the following ways:
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels of book tied with ribbon
All monetary gifts are handled through the business office. Use of these funds is determined by the Library director.
Gifts of both new and old books, CDs, DVDs, and periodicals will be accepted provided that they are relevant to the collection, in usable condition, and will benefit Young Library users. Books damaged due to mold, fire, animals, or insects will not be accepted.
Donations that have been accepted by the library may be used in the ongoing book sale, exchanged at Half-Price-Books for cash or other needed titles, or shipped for sale through the Empty Shelves Program.
All donations will be placed in the collection at the appropriate location determined by the Dewey Decimal Classification system, and will not be shelved separately from other books.
Young Library should be contacted in advance of the arrival of a donation so that space, time, and staff can be scheduled.
Due to limitations in staff, space, and time, Young Library will only accept up to a total of 12 boxes of books at a time/month if arrangements are not made in advance. Boxes must be no larger than 17 x 12 3/8 x 12 3/8.
Under no circumstances will Library Personnel give valuations or estimation of gifts. Such responsibilities of estimation or valuation will need to be taken by the donor.
Donor letters will be provided in December each year for donations made during the calendar year. Letters will include a list of titles and number of items donated.