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Kentucky Christian University's Young Library Policies

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KCU Heritage Collection/ Archives Repository Policy

Criteria for Inclusion in the KCU Heritage Collection          

Materials in the University Archives include historical materials related to KCU and its history.


Archival materials include artifacts, memorabilia, audio visual materials, personal papers of University faculty and staff, photographs, school publications, unofficial records, yearbooks, and other unique, unpublished documents and general historical materials.


Published and/or cataloged books (Dewey call numbers and MARC records) are not considered archival materials and are handled separately.


Other collections under the KCU heritage umbrella such as official records, property, Hoven library materials, and the Church Legacy Collection are governed by different parameters.


The University Archives actively seeks materials which fit the criteria for inclusion.  Faculty, staff, alumni, and others who have relevant materials in their homes or offices are encouraged to give the items to the Young Library staff so that they may be properly stored and available to others.


The University Archives does not actively collect materials related to the city of Grayson, Carter County, local genealogy, or personal items of KCU staff, faculty, or alumni that do not relate directly to the history or heritage of the school.


The University Archives encourages gifts of relevant items, especially from alumni, staff, and faculty to help build the collection.  All materials donated to the collection become the property of Kentucky Christian University and will be processed and handled according to our policies.  Donors who wish to receive an itemized donor record for tax purposes should inform the staff at the time of the gift.



Archival materials are processed, arranged, cataloged, and indexed according to standard archival procedures, which are significantly different than library cataloging.  Archival collections use non-standardized finding aids which include indexes, lists, and electronic databases.  Materials are stored according to provenance, size, and type, not just by subject.


Every effort will be made to preserve historical materials for the long term, as limited staffing and budget allow,  Priority will be given to unique materials with perceived artifact value.



The University Archives is maintained primarily for use by KCU faculty, staff, alumni, and students.  Members of the public needing access for relevant research are also welcome to use the collections.  All researchers, including KCU members, should consult with the library staff before entering the archival storage area.  No materials may be removed from the archives without the knowledge and permission of the library staff.  Researchers should not attempt to re-file any materials that have been removed from files or cabinets for their use to prevent misfiling.


Copies - users may make digital copies of archival materials using a camera, scanner, or photocopy machine as conditions allow.  Users should expect to make their own copies as Library staff may not be available to do this for them.


Borrowing materials - KCU faculty and staff may borrow archival materials for research, display or promotional purposes with the knowledge of the archivist/library staff.  A record will be kept of all borrowed items.


Publication rights - Kentucky Christian University reserves all publication rights to materials and images it owns.  Contact the KCU business office for publication rights.



Archival research can be slow and laborious.  Researchers needing to access the collections should expect that the work may take considerable time and effort on their part.  Archival materials may not be available on short notice as access to the materials is restricted based on staff availability.  Library staff can answer some simple reference questions, but in-depth research must be conducted by the researcher.  For best service, contact the archives staff in advance to discuss the availability of historical materials.


(Policy updated 7/28/2021)