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Kentucky Christian University's Young Library Policies

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Social Media Policy

Young Library Social Media Policy


Date Created: June 20, 2011

Updated: July 28, 2021


Young Library's Social Media Policy goal is to support the missions of KCU and Young Library.


The following policies are in effect for all Young Library communications to the public through social media.  Social media is defined as any web based tool that allows users to "subscribe to" or "friend" the library.  Current examples include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Instagram, and YouTube.

  • All full time library staff will be administrators. Designated "administrator" permission allows only library staff to post and delete information.
  • Only full time staff will be administrators.  No students, including KCU library work study students, will have administrative permissions.
  • Only administrators will be allowed to post information.  Members and friends will be able to respond to posts but not create new posts.
  • Social media sites will be monitored on a regular basis.  Inappropriate comments that do not conform to the S.P.I.R.I.T standards in the "KCU Way" documents will be deleted.
  • The comment and deletion policies will be linked to the site.  This will include guidelines for making comments.
  • Social media tools will be used to: 
    • Promote KCU and its mission
    • Promote Young Library, its mission and resources
    • Educate and entertain
  • Social media tools will not be used for:
    • ​​​​​​​Personal gain
    • Promotion unrelated to Young Library or KCU
  • Permission will be obtained to post images.
    • ​​​​​​​KCU will obtain written permission to publish photographs, video, or audio of KCU community members.
    • Release forms will be stored in the Director's office in Young Library.
  • Young Library will not solicit members through personal sites.  Young Library will accept members who solicit the library.
  • Young Library will accept links (friends) from everyone except:
    • ​​​​​​​Users who have violated the site's policies
    • Unofficial KCU-identified sites
  • Young library will allow news feeds from a limited number of select sources.



User Comments:

  1. All postings should be sensitive to the perceptions and feelings of others.
  2. Do not post confidential or proprietary information.
  3. Do make titles and messages brief.  Before posting check facts, cite sources and check spelling and grammar.  Do not use copyrighted photos and/or images.
  4. Be prepared to respond to questions and comments in a timely manner.
  5. Do not use all upper cases when writing.  This is considered shouting.
  6. All postings and content should reflect positively on Young Library and Kentucky Christian University.


Comments containing any of the following will be subject to deletion:

  1. Inappropriate language
  2. Personal attacks
  3. Illegal materials
  4. Solicitations for products or causes outside the scope of KCU and Young Library
  5. Egregiously erroneous material

AV Media Release Form

The AV Media Release form authorizes the use and reproduction of photographs, videos, and audio that have been created by Kentucky Christian University for any University purposes. The subjects of the photo/video/audio have given their permission for the photo/video/audio to be used for University purposes.