Once you have completed writing your rough draft, it is a good idea to take a break. Then once you have had a break, read through your paper again with fresh eyes.
PaperRater is a free site that will help you with editing your paper, plagiarism identification, and grammar. https://www.paperrater.com/
Are you unsure if your paraphrasing is plagiarism? Do you know what information should be included in an in-text citation? Try this Interactive Tutorial to help you make decisions on when to cite your writing. Click on the link and then click on “View Resource” to begin! https://www.oercommons.org/courses/plagiarism-tutorial
Plagiarism Tutorial © 2013 by Kevin Gilbertson, Kyle Denlinger for Wake Forest University is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Duplichecker is a free tool that will allow you to check your paper for plagiarism before you turn it in.
1. Go to duplichecker.com.
2. Paste your text into the box provided.
3. Scroll down the page.
4. Click on the "Check Plagiarism" button at the bottom.
If you need any help, contact a librarian or stop by the library!
Grammarly is a tool that has a free option to help you edit your work. It will help you with spelling, grammar, and phrases that may be unclear to a reader. To use this tool, you do need to sign up for a free account. To learn more about Grammarly and what it will do:
Need help formatting your Turabian style paper? Want to use a template? Do you have questions about your footnotes? Check out this guide on Turabian Style from Luther Rice College and Seminary. https://libguides.lutherrice.edu/c.php?g=909132&p=6547862
APA style is the standard for the following departments on campus: Biological Sciences, Business, Education, Social Work and Behavioral Health, and Nursing. Always check your syllabus to see which style you should be using for any assignment. Be aware that professors can also modify styles. If different instructions are in your syllabus, that takes precedence over the style manual.
Owl at Purdue is an excellent source to answer your questions on the style quickly. It also provides a sample paper.
MLA style is the standard for many of your English courses. Always check your syllabus to see which style you should be using for any assignment. Be aware that professors can also modify styles. If different instructions are in your syllabus, that takes precedence over the style manual.
Owl at Purdue is an excellent source to answer your questions on the style quickly. It also provides a sample paper.
MLA Style 8th Ed. - Word Tutorial for MLA 8th Essay Format - This YouTube video by Dr. David Taylor does an excellent job of showing you how to set up a Word document in MLA format. These same setups are very similar for Google Docs. Stop by the library and the tutoring center if you need additional assistance.
Always check your syllabus to see which style you should be using for any assignment. Be aware that professors can also modify styles. If different instructions are in your syllabus, that takes precedence over the style manual.
Owl at Purdue is an excellent source to answer your questions on the style quickly. It also provides a sample paper.